[ff3d-users] bloch equation on ff3d
Rabail Junaid
2009-06-12 06:20:09 UTC

I am trying to solve bloch equation (free precession case) on ff3d but facing a few problems. The equations are

d/dt Mx = -omega My - Mx/T2

d/dt My = omega Mx - My/T2

d/dt Mz = - Mz-Mo/T1

After applying the time discretization scheme and putting numerical values for the omega, T2,T1, Mo an error message appears that equation is not correct. I want to know if there is no space differential operator like div(grad()) or grad() and there is only time discretization in the equation would ff3d solve such an equation? Also if someone can give me some better suggestion about how to solve bloch equation on ff3d?



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Stephane Del Pino
2009-06-17 07:59:33 UTC
Dear Rabail,
Post by Rabail Junaid
After applying the time discretization scheme and putting numerical values
for the omega, T2,T1, Mo an error message appears that equation is not
Can you please send your data file? I cannot help you without it...
Post by Rabail Junaid
I want to know if there is no space differential operator like
div(grad()) or grad() and there is only time discretization in the equation
would ff3d solve such an equation?
It should work. It just performs an L2 projection in that case.
Post by Rabail Junaid
Also if someone can give me some better
suggestion about how to solve bloch equation on ff3d?
Again, without your data file, it is not easy to help you.

Best regards,
